30/05 May
Thursday, 30 May 2024
Classes 14h
14h00 | 30 de maio | (OPEN) Step and walking movement SECRETS Technique for both roles by A.Tarchini | Jimenez

25 €
14h00 | 30 de maio | (OPEN) OPENINGS - CROSSES Possibilities and ways of expression by Paula | Lucas

25 €
Classes 15h30m
15h30 | 30 de maio | (OPEN) DISSOCIATION as a tool, how and when to use it by Vanesa | Facundo

25 €
15h30 | 30 de maio | (INT-ADV) Change of DENSITY and DYNAMICS by Cristian | Valentin

25 €
Classes 17h
17h00 | 30 de maio | (OPEN) MILONGA: Sequences for social dancing by Agustina | Carlitos

25 €
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