1/06 June
Saturday, 01 June 2024
Classes 14h
14h00 | 1 de junho | (OPEN) FOLLOWERS | LEADERS Technique - in 2 groups by Vanesa | Facundo

25 €
14h00 | 1 de junho | (OPEN) COLGADAS for social dance Axis exploration in a couple by Paula | Lucas

25 €
Classes 15h30m
15h30 | 1 de junho | (ADV) Tango SPEED and DYNAMIC changes by Vanesa | Facundo

25 €
15h30 | 1 de junho | (INT-ADV) MILONGA: Rhythmic Sequences Elastic movements for acceleration. by Agustina | Carlitos

25 €
15h30 | 1 de junho | (INT-ADV) Sacadas in circular movements Elegance and Fluidity by A.Tarchini | Jimenez

25 €
15h30 | 1 de junho | (INT-ADV) Flowing with VALS Melodic and rhythmic approach by Paula | Lucas

25 €
15h30 | 1 de junho | (INT-ADV) Followers and Leaders TECHNIQUE by Cristian | Valentin

25 €
Classes 17h
17h00 | 1 de junho | (ADV) BOTH ACTIVE ROLES, proposing, interpretation by Agustina | Carlitos

25 €
17h00 | 1 de junho | (ADV) Tango Escenario and Variants Attractive proposal for milongas by A.Tarchini | Jimenez

25 €
17h00 | 1 de junho | (INT-ADV) VALS - Fluidity and musicality Mastering the dancefloor. by Cristian | Valentin

25 €
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